About me

About me
  • Cloud & Software Developer
  • Solutions Architect
  • Serverless Fan
  • Gamer
  • Occasional Sailor
  • Tech enthusiast
  • Foodie

Photo by Anna Samuła

A bit more about me

If you are really curious, bullet points were not enough or you simply like reading here's a bit more info about me.

I am a cloud developer currently living and working in Warsaw, Poland. My main focus is AWS, but this might change in the future since I like to work on different things using different technologies,

When it comes to my free time, I spend it on hanging out with friends, trying to learn new things, playing video games, working on some random private projects, and now apparently writing stuff for this blog.

I also consider myself an occasional sailor, since I spend most of my vacation on a sailboat. Sailing vacation provides the perfect balance of physical work, entertainment, relaxation, and fun. What's also amazing about sailing, is that you are always moving around and exploring new lands, ports, and bars.

About this blog

At the moment of writing this, I honestly have no idea what this blog will be about and where it will go. For now, I plan to post a few articles related to AWS on how to do stuff. There might be some Terraform involved, but I am still new to this IaC tool so I will probably document and share my learning journey here.

Sometimes I might also drop some random stuff about my small private projects related to 3D Printing, home automation or other stuff. Maybe there will be also something, not tech-related like "What to cook on a sailboat" or "How to bake bread". I don't know, we'll see...